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Writer's pictureMichele DeCamp

Air, and Water, and The Candle

This post is for my 09/27/24 Group Distance Reiki Session. If you are reading this at any time please know the energy and message, as it resonates, is perfect for you.

Setting up our altar I was inspired to draw a card for the start of our session.  In shuffling, while feeling a strong pull toward grounding and really planting my feet, a card flipped out from the deck and landed face-down on the floor.  Upon reveal, from Sandra Anne Taylor’s “Energy Oracle Cards” deck, we received #32 DOOR TO SPIRIT, Spiritual Awakenings and New Beginnings, inverted (see card image and full description below).

The impression I got was this was our card to work on within session and invert (back to upright) by the end.  I moved into the session and started connecting.

Cleanup.  Organize, make space, then deep clean.  With tools.  Disconnect – disconnect.  Drop away from technology.  Envision a Merkabah.

Clearing away old residues – like dregs is a tea cup… muddying your waters.

Making sure the foundation is clear and stable before settling in to build up something new.



Confusion and uncertainty as a distraction.

A fear to be honest – to speak the truth of our need.  To name this ‘situation’ as a ‘crisis’ (which it is…).

Keep trusting the messages of the body.  Tuning into the body.  Be present and release.  Again.  Again.  Start at the Crown, release.  Forehead, eyes, cheeks – release.  Jaw, neck, shoulders, release… down and down… layer by layer.  Then again; then again.

Stillness here.  What comes?

Only the breath.  What comes?


Empty.  Spacious.  Ready for the anew. 

Lighting a candle.

Grounding and feeling into the Root.  As the candle burns we release and receive.  At every level:  moving up through the chakras.  The energetic flow through of the physical cleaning and organizing.  When you feel tension make the conscious effort to let it go.  (There is no need to understand or think at this stage.)

A lot of energy moving through the low back, mid back and kidneys.  The message: A cleansing through water; a cleansing with air.  This was felt to mean using the breath and clean air to bring cleansing into the body, then trusting the kidney and hydration systems to utilize it and to expel and detoxify through waters.

As this message processed and the backaches receded there was a settling into the sit bones.  Finding internal stability.  The feeling of a collective sigh of relief as the body structures re-stacked solidly on this refreshed and cleansed foundation.  Much stronger and more comfortable.

A rippling up from the base of the ribcage, potently felt at many joints and minor connections – most so at the shoulders, wrists, and jaw.

A little bit of nausea here.  Stomach turning and churning… going into the jaw and throat.  Swallow and release.  Stay with it.  Hear the message and know the sensation will pass.  What is it you can’t swallow or keep down right now?  What does it want to tell you?

The wind will help move it.  Does it need to be spoken?  Does it need to come up and out or does it need to be accepted to move down and pass through?  Holding both Light and Love at the Throat and the stomach – tied to the Solar Plexus.  White & Pink & Yellow.  Let your Heart shine on both points to restore balance.

Still moving up through the body.

I notice the small ceremonial candle which could be near-complete at this point has only receded about 1/3 of its height.  With attention it transforms into producing black smoke and starting to drip wax.  I hold focus.

Energy tenses - first at the hips and soon also the low front ribs.  Then the clavicles. Into the low back ribs, then jaw.  Watching and offering Reiki.

Tension wanting to grip at the organs and trapezius. Invite it to release and move through.

Light movements, sways, stretches.

Pain at a holding in the cheeks.  Watch and release.

The cheekbones are holding something important – along with the widest points at the hipbones and the low front ribs… they are lit up like dots on a 6 domino.  Attend to all as a whole.  The Crown opens… each side on a slightly widening arc… like a constellation of a volcano.  What was stuck is moving up and out.

Still in the head.

Shift in the head.

Lift in the head.

(manual massage on several points)

Up and Out.


Our session time is complete.  The candle still burns, when it should have gone out around 20 minutes ago.  I will keep it going as I complete my notes and photos and posting.  The card is not yet ready to the flipped.  Close but not fully complete.  Another card is not ready for us yet.

I kept the candle lit next to the upright card until it expired at 1:57pm PDT.

It had several perfectly sideways flames in the last minutes, as if fighting a strong breeze and expressing black smoke, but with moments of straightening completely without even a flicker… it was a tall strong and straight flame in its last seconds before the bit of wick fell sideways and cleanly ceased. 

Then, as I typed this, it came back… 2:00pm.  The wick started as a bright coal and re-lit itself.  Going strong now for minutes.  Out again with a small white smoke trail at 2:04pm PDT.

Resilience.  Burning Clean.  Transmuting every last bit.

Donations accepted here, if you’re inspired and able.



Today's Card

from Sandra Anne Taylor's "Energy Oracle Cards" deck


Spiritual Awakenings and New Beginnings


   When this card is reversed, you may find yourself feeling an extreme disconnect. It seems your intuition is failing, and you can’t maintain the peaceful moments you are longing for.

   You may be too distracted by worldly matters or personal problems to arrive at (and enjoy) the deeper sense of your spiritual connection. The paradox is that the more you can let go of the drama, distractions, or intense emotions, the more your spiritual peace will bring you solutions for these issues.

   So relax and let go. Meditate on your soul self, your higher self that resides in your own heart center. Allow that connection to grow, and you’ll find that many new doors will open as a result.

Affirmation:  I relax and connect with my spirit’s wisdom and power. I live in the peace that my spirit brings, and know that the world of Spirit supports me.

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